Monday, October 27, 2008

observation 2

Just over one week, I found many new organisms and lots of them.

Ciliate halteria seemed to be everywhere, and not necessarily by the plants or dirt. I also had some diatoms but I'm still working on the names of them. One was star shaped, and the other was three lines stacked on top of each other. There were also at least three stentors.
I had about three different midge worms that I counted feeding on both plants. I counted about five different worms down in the dirt and about four in the plants including the midge worms. I also had many rotifers around the plants an dirt.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

first observation

For my micro-aquarium I used pond water number 12. Also, i put plants A and B inside as well as part of leaf from my water.
There were some ciliates seen from the microscope but nothing really around the plants at this point. No worms were seen.
There was a small organism swimming around that could be seen by the naked eye; very fast.